I'm sitting on my back porch *because its the only place I can steal internet* after a day of running around. And I find myself trying to slow my mind down. And being frustrated that my N key is sticking for some reason and forcing me to slam my finger down on it to get it to work. nnnnnnnnnnnnn. Now my finger is sore.
When did being single become the newest incurable disease? Isn't this an age of growth and progressive thinking? Why then are single men and women, women most especially, in such a rush to match up, pair off and sprint down the aisle? All so they aren't the last one's standing when the music stops playing. Like its some twisted game of musical chairs.
Its become a game of bar hopping, one night stands, five minute conversations and quick glances to see if the person standing next to you is wearing a ring on their left hand. And if they are, trying to smother the disappointment of knowing there's someone else who found that person before you did. It's a problem of constantly wondering "what's wrong with me?"
And analysts and psychiatrists wonder why young adults have such self-esteem problems and communication issues.