I have now been told by several different people that I'm apparently very hard to get to know.
I realize why this is, I don't talk about myself nor do I ask personal questions.
Now there's not a whole lot I can do when it comes to asking other people questions about themselves, unless I, you know....ask them questions, which knowing me isn't likely to happen. But what I can do is offer up a little information about myself.
My favorite flavor of ice cream is coffee.
My favorite candy bar is the Watchamacallit even though they only sell them at gas stations...they are de-li-cious.
I don't like orange or apple juice.
I know more about car maintanance than the average girl.....or guy for that matter.
I own more Christmas socks than any one person should.
My favorite season is winter, although I do love spring which is apparently at odds with my personality.
I am a hopeless romantic, but I'm extremely cynical.
I know I can sing, but I hesitate to do so in front of others.
I hate shopping, meaning I don't spend hours wandering through stores hoping to find one or two things that I "might" like.
I love classical music, but I almost never listen to it.
My taste in music is better than yours, but you've probably never heard of my bands.
I don't like to talk during a movie I've never seen, but if it is a movie I've seen I'll sing along with the soundtrack.
I love classic cars, but don't ask me to name them.
I sleep better when I'm cold.
Once, when I was two or three I had to have my stomach pumped because I swallowed 13 cents.
My favorite animal is the Polar Bear.
I don't have a favorite color, but if you asked me I'd say orange.
Ok, goodnight.