Friday, May 28, 2010

Jumping Ship and Riding Off Into the Sunset

I think after a while you get used to the fact that everyone has disappeared.......or maybe it's left.

You get used to your phone staying continuously silent.

Or, maybe it's just that you try to forget.

I'm not all that sure, I mean I've always been somewhat anti-social. But this has become a little bit sad. I honestly can't remember the last time I had anything to do but go to work or go home.

Now, I don't want sympathy. Seriously I really don't, the last thing I need is for a bunch of people to feel sorry for me. This is merely to put some thoughts down.

I think more than anything it's shitty. It's shitty of people to get so wrapped up in their own lives that no one else exists. Maybe I was raised differently, maybe friendship doesn't mean that you're willing to do anything for someone you care about. Maybe it just means that you're nice to someone because they're convenient.

It could also have something to do with me. Maybe I'm the reason that everyone keeps jumping ship. I apologize for my moodiness, for the fact that at times I can drop off the face of the earth. I'm sorry if I'm the one who isn't a very good friend. It is possible that I've just made myself think I was really great at being a friend.

Anyways, sorry for the whiny factor in this post. But I figured it was better than letting myself become more and more upset by crappy people.