Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Very Sad Day Indeed


I don't count myself among the many overly emotional women that I know. In fact a lot of people say that I'm to realistic and have a tendency to act like a cold fish.
Today I had to say good-bye to my best friend, and I found it harder than I expected.
She's only going to be gone for four months, so it isn't like she's leaving for an incredibly exteded period of time. But at the same time, we've never lived more than a couple of blocks away from each other since meeting. An entire ocean away is a pretty big deal to the both of us.
It also sucks because the only other friends I have here happen to be rather lacking in the conversation area, and are still stuck in high school mode. Maybe I'm boring, but I find intelligence more stimulating than fart jokes and bad movies.
I expect this semester will be filled with things like work and homework. Things last semester should have been filled with but weren't.
Jesus, this is a terrible post.


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